Plastic recycling

Order a plastic recycling bin for your business and we will collect it.



Plastic is a material that such a large portion of businesses deal with on a daily basis. For this reason, it is important that we can provide a solution that suits everyone. We strive to capture and recycle this material effectively within the UK moving forward. This is to minimise the negative impact it can make, as well as improve the recycling rates of our City. Whether you are a packaging company, a restaurant or an office who provide their staff with stationary, we know that lots of items come wrapped in plastic. Regardless of the size of your business or your industry, we are able to provide you with a service that suits you. By choosing us, you can look forward to reduced costs and raised recycling rates.

We can support you in collecting your plastic in two different ways:

  • We can provide you with a plastic-only container;
  • Or it can be recycled with paper and cans as part of our Dry Mixed Recycling service.

Tailored service

We can provide you with a range of containers for this service including 240L, 360L, 660L and 1100L bins – You can see what these containers look like here. Regardless of what you decide, all materials will be sorted into their individual streams and recycled accordingly.

Using our  environmentally friendly trucks, our experienced service teams will deliver your container of choice on a day that suits you.  Your collection days and frequency will be agreed in advance on ordering your containers. However, it can be altered at any time. Options can include, but are not limited to, daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. We can tailor this collection further if you have special requirements, making this an entirely customisable service!

Our process

We have the expertise to collect your plastic materials in a variety of methods depending on the volume created, whilst prioritising the protection of the environment. This includes individual grade and mixed loads, as well as trade waste bins.

Once your plastic and / or dry mixed recycling is collected, the materials are sorted into their individual waste streams. The plastic is baled and taken to the local processing plant. On arrival it is reprocessed and the plastic is broken down and cleaned. These smaller pieces are then melted and moulded into new plastic items ready to be recycled and returned to market.

The Journey of Plastic Recycling:


Ready to discover more?

To discuss the waste streams and services that we offer or to request a quote, please email us directly at: or call us on: 0800 061 4321.