Policies and ISO

At Bristol Waste we work in partnership with communities and organisations to support a cleaner, greener Bristol, reduce waste and improve recycling rates. On this page you can learn more about our policies, procedures and ISO certifications.

Read our policies

Downloadable versions of our policies and procedures are available below. Including our quality, environmental, facilities management, information security and sustainability policies.

Quality statement

Bristol Waste Company Limited is your recycling, waste collection, facilities management, and street cleansing company. We take pride in our Reuse ethos and practices.

Bristol Waste Company is committed to employee development and will always provide opportunities for involvement in the quality of our services and working practices.

We take care in our work and pride ourselves on delivering excellent customer service to the residents and businesses of Bristol. We carry out over 1.5 million collections per month, provide services and facilities to residents and businesses which we strive to get things right first time. However, we understand this isn’t always possible. It is important that we learn from the opportunities where things go wrong to help us improve and make our services the best they can be.

Bristol Waste Company is dedicated to supporting a cleaner, greener Bristol, in which residents, communities and businesses feel involved, informed, and empowered to create a better place for future generations. Reduce the amount of residual waste generated and improve the recycling rate to help meet the Bristol One City Plan targets.

We have ambitious plans for the city and our Business Management System is designed to support these plans and our business practices. All our services have agreed targets (KPIs) in place, and these are monitored by the Directors and Leadership team to track progress and highlight any areas which require improvement. Wider meetings are held regularly to allow team members to raise any quality concerns about our services and discuss any opportunities for continual improvement.

This Quality Policy Statement and the associated Business Management System is fully supported by the Senior Management Team who take responsibility for the effectiveness of this system in meeting customer requirements and achieving the intended results of enhanced service quality and recycling rates.

The Senior Management Team are committed to the continual improvement of our Business Management System and our service delivery to meet the needs and expectations of Bristol residents and our customers both now and in the future.

All employees and those who act on Bristol Waste Company’s behalf are required to adhere to this statement when undertaking duties in line with requirement of the Business Management System.

This Quality Policy Statement will be reviewed on an annual basis. It is available to employees via noticeboards and Extranet and is available to all other interested parties on our website.

Dave Knight

Interim Managing Director

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Quality policy June 2024
(83 KB)

People policies

Policies related to our people can be read and downloaded below, including our health and safety policy, our equality, diversity and inclusion policy and our human trafficking statement.

At Bristol Waste we are committed to our colleagues, as well as the city we serve, to create a balanced, fair and inclusive working environment. By understanding our gender pay gap figures we can identify areas for improvement and begin making steps towards our goal of gender equality across all elements of finance and culture in the business.

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Gender pay gap statement 2024
(194 KB)

What is whistleblowing?

‘Whistleblowing’ is the term used when someone passes on information concerning wrongdoing in one or more of the following categories:

  • criminal offences (this may include things like fraud or financial irregularities)
  • miscarriages of justice
  • damage to the environment
  • failure to comply with law or regulations
  • endangering of someone’s health and safety
  • breach in code of conduct or significant negative reputational impact
  • covering up wrongdoing in any of these areas

Who can raise a concern?

Anyone who works within, for, or with, Bristol Waste Company can raise concerns. This includes current and former employees, directors, consultants, contractors, casual and agency workers, suppliers, customers and volunteers.

Do I need evidence?

You do not need to have all the proof of malpractice being, been or likely to be committed before raising a concern. All concerns will be treated seriously and with appropriate confidentiality.

How do I raise a concern?

If you are a supplier, customer or an ex-employee you can contact our ‘Speak Up Guardian’ by emailing inconfidence@bristolwastecompany.co.uk

Our ‘Speak Up Guardian’ is the Executive Member with responsibility for whistleblowing.

If for any reason you don’t feel comfortable raising your concern with us directly, you can contact Bristol City Council Internal Audit on their Whistleblowing Hotline: 0117 35 21882

ISO certification

Bristol Waste Company is an ISO certified organisation. Our ISO certificates can be viewed and downloaded here.