Street Cleansing
Report a street than needs cleaning and find out how our crews keep the streets clean and green.
Have you seen a street that needs cleaning?
Street cleansing issues such as litter, fly-tipping, hazardous waste and other mess can be reported directly to Bristol City Council. You can report an issue using the links below which will take you to the relevant page on the council website.
A street that needs cleaning
If you see litter or other mess on the street, let us know.
Report rubbish that’s been dumped on the road, pavement or public land.
Flyposting is putting a poster, sticker or sign on public or private property without the permission of the owner.
Dog fouling
We have a responsibility to keep public areas like parks, playgrounds and pavements clear of dog mess.
Report a dead animal
Let us know if you see a dead animal or bird on the road or pavement, in a public space or in a private garden.
Our street cleansing team

Keeping our streets clean
Every year, our crews clean over 800 miles of roads and footpaths across the city and respond to more than 180,000 ad hoc job requests and service queries.

Removing fly-tip
Our crews respond to hundreds of reports of fly-tipping every year, as well as proactively clearing fly-tip they see whilst on their rounds.

Daily litter picking
Our crews are out every day collecting litter from our busy city streets. Help them out by remembering to take your litter home with you or placing it in a bin.

Graffiti removal
Our graffiti removal crews clean public property such as benches, bollards, lampposts and walls of public buildings.

Sweeping roads and footpaths
Our street cleansing crews are some of the first people awake in the city, clearing the roads and footpaths of Bristol with our fleet of street sweepers.