Your guide to bins and recycling in Bristol
Find out when your waste and recycling is collected, how to recycle, what needs to go in your wheelie bin and when the recycling centres are open.

How to sort your recycling for kerbside collection
Read our handy guide for more information about what goes where with your recycling. You can even download it and stick it to your fridge so you’ll never be confused again.

How to sort your recycling if you use communal bins
If you live in a flat you probably have shared bins, either on the street or in a bin store inside or near your building. Find out how to use your communal bins in Bristol.
Get it sorted!
Find out what you can recycle in Bristol and what goes where with our short video.
Updates and advice from our rubbish experts
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Ask our community engagement team
Our community engagement team are a fountain of waste and recycling knowledge and they love answering questions from the residents of Bristol. They can help with your queries, offer advice and help with waste issues within your community.