IT Reuse launches in Bristol

Refurbished laptops are on their way to help those most in need
This blog was originally published in 2021.
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We are working with Bristol City Council providing 3,600 refurbished laptops in an effort to reduce digital poverty in the city.
We launched a pilot Digital Inclusion Scheme in south Bristol this week. The first 50 laptops will go to parents of two-year-olds without digital access who would like to return to further education, develop their skills and apply for work.
Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol said:
COVID-19 has brought us huge challenges. Our hope is that by making it easier for people to have access to digital technology we can help people stay connected and find new opportunities.
Many people are working hard to bring people together to look out for one another. We want to work with organisations and individuals in our communities to make sure people are not left behind.
People without digital devices, internet access and basic IT skills, face barriers to education, training and employment. It also causes a divide in accessing services and maintaining social connections.

Bristol IT Reuse Project Lead, Cheryl Lee, said:
We know it has been such a hard time for everyone recently and we are so happy to be part of this initiative. Bringing vital IT equipment to people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to get online is a big step forward. We have refurbished laptops and computers for those most in need in our communities. We also have a team providing IT support to help people make the most of their devices.
Not only does this scheme give people the chance to get online and access vital resources, it also helps ensure Bristol wastes nothing. Saving items from waste and finding new homes for pre-loved items is at the heart of what we do.
People who receive a laptop will also get a starter data package, as well as a free, introductory digital skills course. Tutor support will be provided by the council’s Community Learning Team.
If successful, the scheme will be expanded across Bristol. Digital exclusion impacts all parts of society in different ways. This scheme is just one of many happening in the city.