Information for landlords and letting agents
In Bristol, we’re proud to be the top core city for recycling in England.
Help maintain our crown and keep Bristol clean and safe by ensuring your tenants are managing their waste and recycling correctly.
We have handy collection calendars for the full year that tenants can download or print off. Tenants can download their collection calendar easily from our website.
In Bristol, we have a kerbside sorting system where residents sort recyclable materials into the designated recycling containers. This helps our crews complete their rounds faster and more efficiently. Not sure what goes where or need a refresher? Download our handy recycling leaflet for an overview of how to sort your recycling.
Pin up and keep kerbside recycling guide
(2 MB)
MRC recycling guide
(2 MB)
We have small stickers to go on boxes stating what should go in each one. We also have stickers to write property numbers on to help identify containers and stop them from getting mixed up. You can request these stickers from us via email. Let us know a delivery address and how many you of which stickers you need and we can post them to you:
If you need signage replaced in your mini recycling centre or bin store, please email
Bins and boxes that are left on streets cause an obstruction to pavement users, especially those with pushchairs or wheelchairs, or those who are visually impaired.
Please ensure there is sufficient off-street storage for your tenants’ waste and recycling or get in touch with us if you think there is a different collection solution which would suit the property.
Ideally, no bins and recycling containers should be kept on a public highway. The nature of our city, with flats above shops, front doors opening directly onto pavements and steep gardens, means this isn’t always possible. Ensure any bins and recycling containers kept on a public highway are labelled as belonging to your property and kept tidy and safe. You can request address label stickers from us via email. Let us know a delivery address and how many you need and we can post them to you:
It is your responsibility to make sure your tenants have the correct containers to manage their waste and recycling. If your property is missing any bins or recycling containers, you can request more here.
Depending on the type of property, check which bins and recycling containers you should have:
Pin up and keep kerbside recycling guide
(2 MB)
MRC recycling guide
(2 MB)
Charity organisations collect some large, fit-for-purpose items for free so they can be reused. You can find some examples of local charities accepting bulky item donations here.
Your tenants can arrange a paid-for household bulky waste collection from Bristol City Council here, or they can visit one of our 3 Household Reuse and Recycling Centres in the city for free. Book via the Bristol City Council website.
You can also arrange your own commercial waste collection for bulky items using Bristol Waste or other licensed supplier.
Leaving items on public property, such as the pavement or street is fly-tipping. Fly-tipping is against the law and can result in prosecution, a fine and even a criminal conviction.
If your tenants are students they can take advantage of our Students on the Move initiative, which provides top tips on reducing waste and increasing recycling as well as seasonal additional bins.
Top tips on helping tenants make the most of their bin storage area and manage their waste and recycling correctly:
- make sure the bin store has adequate lighting to make sorting recycling easy and help residents feel safe
- deter pests by using lids on bins and encourage tenants to wash recycling and to put food waste in the right container, not in the general waste
- keep access to the bin storage area clear
- make sure that our crews can access the waste and recycling, or that the waste and recycling is put out on the correct days
If your tenants are students they can take advantage of our Students on the Move initiative, which provides top tips on reducing waste and increasing recycling as well as seasonal additional bins.
Help keep Bristol clean and tidy and reduce fly-tipping during move-out season by sharing the Students On The Move leaflet with your student tenants. The leaflet is packed full of information about how to deal with end of term waste, recycling and bulky items.
As part of the Students on the Move campaign, there will be extra bins on the street and easier access to the recycling centres for students during key move-in and move-out periods. Keep an eye on the web page for updates.
Share this message with your tenants:
Do you have a plan for your end of term waste? To get your deposit back, your house should be left clean and tidy, and the same goes for the street outside. Leaving bin bags or bulky furniture on the pavement could ruin your summer plans, with fines for fly-tipping starting at £400 and going up to £50,000! Visit the Students On The Move website to help you move out responsibly.
Absolutely. Our website has all the info and advice to help Bristol residents make the most out of their waste and recycling service.
Get It Sorted: how to sort your recycling in Bristol – Bristol Waste
Students and new residents – Bristol Waste Company