£10,000 raised for St Peter’s Hospice!

£10,000 raised for St Peter's Hospice!
The Reuse Shops have raised an incredible £10,000 for St Peter’s Hospice.
The money has been raised through sales in the Reuse Shops and the Reuse Shop Warehouse Sale events. All the money raised by the shop is either ploughed back into our reuse projects or donated to charity.
Bristol Council Cabinet Member for Waste, Kye Dudd and Reuse Manager Jo Dainton presented the cheque for £10,000. Frank Noble, Chief Executive of St Peter’s Hospice, and Wendy McDermott, Head of Fundraising joined them at the Hartcliffe Way shop to receive the donation.
Thank you to our brilliant reuse team
Our staff voted to support St Peter’s Hospice as it is a cause close to many of our hearts. We’re incredibly proud of the hard work we do to reduce waste and make Bristol a more sustainable city. We’re even prouder that funds raised through it can support people and families when they need it most.
Our reuse work has gone from strength to strength. From a single pop-up event to three shops – one in each of our three recycling centres across the city. The shops are a real community story. Volunteers help save unwanted items from going to waste, residents can buy affordable goods, and the money raised goes to support a charity providing care to patients and their families in Bristol.
We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who has donated to, shopped at, or volunteered in one of our Reuse Shops. This donation is only possible because of your generosity, time and custom.
Where to find a Reuse Shop
The Avonmouth Reuse and Recycling Centre and the new Hartcliffe Way Reuse and Recycling Centre both have full-sized Reuse Shops. The St Philip’s site has a smaller pop-up shop. You can find more about the shops by following the link below.
£10,000 donated to local charity
Reuse Manager Jo Dainton was joined by Bristol Council Cabinet Member for Waste, Kye Dudd, at the Hartcliffe Way Reuse and Recycling Centre to present St Peter's Hospice with a cheque for £10,000 that was raised through sales in the Reuse Shops.
The Reuse Shop needs YOU!
Could you spare a few hours to help keep our Reuse Shops running? There are all sorts of ways you could help as a volunteer. From sorting stock to supporting customers, there’s a job to suit everyone!
Regular Reuse Shop volunteer Barbara, said:
“I’m so impressed by my passionate colleagues who live, eat and breathe the cause of reuse.”
So join us in support of a worthy cause and have some laughs at the same time! You’ll also be the first to see some of the weird, wonderful and amazing things donated to the shops!