Specialist deep clean

Our specialist service will support you and your business to ensure a safe and clean workplace environment.


Specialist cleaning services in Bristol and beyond

Providing your staff and customers with a safe and clean workspace has become more important than ever.

At Bristol Waste, we understand the logistics of organising and delivering specialist deep cleaning services for diverse environments and all sizes of business.

A cleaner standing inside Bristol's city hall holding a bucket full of cleaning products conducting a deep clean.

Personalised deep clean packages

Our business team will help you create an affordable and sustainable package that is personalised to your requirements.

Working with leading service partners, we provide businesses and organisations across the region with a package of specialist deep clean services. This can be tailored to suit your budget and requirements.

The deep clean process

Our deep clean specialists are available to you and your business to improve the overall hygiene of workspaces to the highest standards. With multi-service expertise we create a safe working environment to keep your business moving forward.

Our services and features

  • Multi-workspace specialist cleans
  • Specialist disinfection services
  • Integrated waste management services
  • Specialist equipment and products
  • Rapid-reaction service teams
  • Personalised management
  • Sign-off certification and pack

Contact us

To enquire about our services or to request a quote, email sales@bristolwastecompany.co.uk or call 0800 061 4321.

Business services