Disposable barbecue safety

A flame leaps upwards on a newly lit disposable barbecue

Don't let your barbecue turn into an emergency!

If disposable barbecues are not left to cool completely they can cause dangerous fires. In one recent lucky escape, a member of the public reported a still-warm barbecue smouldering in a Bristol bin. Luckily, they reported it in time for a crew member to dampen the hot ashes and remove it before the whole bin caught fire.

When is it safe to bin a disposable BBQ?

Disposable barbecues can remain hot for several hours after you’ve finished using them. In hot weather, it can take even longer. Every year, badly disposed of barbecues present a risk to our crews and the public. Don’t let your barbecue turn into an emergency, let it cool before binning it.

A disposable barbecue that has been left on the grass. Small flames can be seen appearing among the coals.

Disposable BBQs can take hours to cool down, and can reignite if there is still fuel in them, or if the hot coals touch dry grass or litter.

Disposable barbecues can remain hot for several hours after you’ve finished using them. In hot weather, it can take even longer. Poorly disposed barbecues present a risk to our crews and the public every year. Don’t let your barbecue turn into an emergency, let it cool before binning it.

Top tips for disposable BBQ safety this summer


A disposable BBQ raised off the grass with bricks.


  • Choose a safe location: Make sure to set up your disposable barbecue in a safe and appropriate location. This should be a flat, level surface away from any flammable materials such as dry grass or wooden fences.
  • Check for damage: Before using a disposable barbecue, inspect it for any damage, such as cracks or holes. Do not use the barbecue if it is damaged.
  • Have water, sand or a fire blanket nearby in case of an emergency. This will help you quickly extinguish any flames or hot spots that may occur.
  • Use the barbecue stand provided or bricks to raise it off the ground. This ensures it is on a stable and level surface and will help prevent the barbecue from tipping over and spilling hot coals. It also keeps the hot metal off the ground.
  • Never leave a lit or still-warm barbecue unattended.
  • Wait for it to cool down before binning. After cooking, allow the barbecue to cool down completely before it’s disposal. This will help prevent any accidental fires or injuries.

To keep everyone safe, it’s very important to make sure the barbecue is cold before putting it in the bin. Pouring water over the embers can help to cool the barbecue more quickly.

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